

How To Setup XMEYE in PC and Mobile

How to Setup Network Camera / DVR


As the default IP address is Chinese IP When you first connect the camera. Please modify it to the local IP address. The following paragraph is how to modify it.

Plug in the IP camera’s power supply (It will takes 90 seconds to start).Note: Connect the IP camera

and a computer to the same router or switch .Make sure the network is good.

1.1: Install the CMS software. User can download the CMS software from the CD in the package.

Online CD: n.jooan.cc (Note: No need to input "www" when open the website.) to download it.

1.2 :Open the CMS and login.( The default user name is super. The default password is blank, no

need to input anything in it.)

Select your country language, as in the following picture:

xmeye for pc cms

Click<System>-<Device manager>on the right. Then a page will pop up. As below:

xmeye cms

Modify the IP Address Picture 1

1.3 :Click <ADD AREA> then input a zone name. Click OK. Select the name of the Zone List.

Click <ADD DEVICE>. Click <IP Search>. The detected IP address will be shown. Select the

searched IP address. Click<Edit Device> .Then pop up a page .As below. Click<Auto Get>.That’s


xmeye for laptop

Modify the IP Address Picture 2.3

In the above two pictures. The part 1 is the searched devices list. The part 2 is the device IP Address.



There are two methods about LAN connection.1.The CMS connection. 2.Web access.

2.1:The CMS connection

Open the CMS and login. The default user name is super. The default password is blank, no need to

input anything in it. Click<System>-<Device manager>. Click <ADD AREA> then input a zone

name. Click OK. Select the name of the Zone List. Click<ADD DEVICE>. Click <IP Search>. The

detected IP address will be shown. Select the searched IP address. Click<Add device>.As below:

xmeye pc playback

The CMS connection in LAN Picture 4

Then you can find the added device on the top left. Double click it. The image will be shown. As


xmeye online live

View the image Picture 5


2.1.1: If you need to connect multiple devices. Repeat the above steps.

2.1.2: For remote viewing , please check the NAT status on the NVR. Click<Main menu>-<Info>-

<Version>.If the NAT status is connected, everything is ok. If it is probing DNS, that means the camera and router are not in the same network segment.

To modify the camera’s network segment, Please operate on the CMS software. Select the third icon on the bottom, click<Network>. Please make sure the camera’s IP Address , Gateway, and router are in the same network segment. eg: If the router’s IP Address is Then the camera’s IP Address and Gateway should be in the 192.168.1.x range. Primary DNS is the same with Gateway. Secondary DNS is

xmeye network setup

Network Configuration Picture 6

xmeye network setup

Network Configuration Picture 7

2.4 :Save video files to a computer

To save the video files in computer. Click<System>-<Local config>.Select<Record plan>.Select the hard disk you want to save in. Select the channel. Then click OK. As below:

xmeye ip camera

Save video files to computer Picture 6


Input the device’s IP address in IE browser bar to enter the web access login page.(Note: It only

support IE browser). Input camera’s user name and password.( The default user name is admin. The

default password is blank, no need to input anything in it.) Click<Login>.Select the stream. (Main

stream: image is very clear. Require high quality network. Not suitable when in remote view. The

sub-stream is the opposite.)Then click <OK> to view.

xmeye web browser

Web access in LAN Picture 7

xmeye web browser

Web access in LAN Picture 8

xmeye lan access

Web access in LAN Picture 9

Part Two: WAN Connection

There are two methods for WAN Connection.1.WEB Access(for single camera)2.The CMS

Before WAN connection. User need to modify the default IP address to the local IP address.(please
follow the “modify IP Address” in Part 1)

User need to find the camera’s serial ID for WAN connection. To search for the camera’s serial ID.
There are two methods:

3.1:Open the device upgrade tool. Click<IP Search>.You can find the serial ID on the device info
3.2:Open the CMS. Add the camera to the CMS software. Right click on the image. Click<Device
config>.Select the first icon on the bottom right .Click<Version>.The interface is shown as below
xmeye web browser

Search for serial ID Picture 10

xmeye serial id

Search for serial ID Picture 11


Web access is suitable for single camera. It doesn’t support managing multiple devices at the same
4.1: Input www.xmeye.net in IE browser to enter the web access page. (It only support IE
browser).Select <By device>.Input the camera’s serial ID. Input the user name and password. Click
Login.(The default user name is admin. The default password is blank. No need to input anything in

xmeye web online

The web access in WAN Picture 12

4.2:Click<Download Web>on the top right. Please follow the guide to operate. After you download
software, Click on the browser bar. Close the ACTIVE filter. See picture 37:
xmeye web online

The web access in WAN Picture 13

Note: If the image is not shown, please check the NAT status. make sure it is connected status. Follow page 4.


5.1:Open the CMS software and login. The default user name is super. The default password is blank,
no need to input anything in it. Click<System>-<Device manager>.
Click <ADD AREA> then input a zone name. Click OK. Select the name of the Zone List. Click
<ADD DEVICE>.The interface is as below:

xmeye web online
The CMS connection in WAN Picture 15

5.2:Click<Cloud>. Input the serial ID. Click<OK>.The image will be shown as below:
xmeye web online
The CMS connection in WAN Picture 16

5.2.1:If the image is not shown, please check the NAT status. make sure it is connected status. Follow page 4.
5.2.2:To save video files to a computer, please follow page 5.6


Setup XMeye for Mobile View

There are four steps for mobile remote control:
<1> Mobile phone remote monitoring software.
Scan the QR code to download it.

                               Android IOS                                                          APPLE IOS
xmeye app qrcode

<2>Open the XMeye app. Tap <Register > to register an account .Input the account and password . Tap
<Cloud login>.See picture as below:
<3> Tap <+> on the top right corner. Then a page will pop up. Input a Device Name. Input the Serial
Number(to search for the serial number, please follow ” Search for camera’s serial ID/serial number” on page
8). Input the device’s user name and password. and the Port is blank. Click OK.( The default user name is
admin. The default Password is blank)

xmeye app
Mobile Remote Control Picture 19.20

<4> Enjoy remote viewing on your phone or tablet.

xmeye app qrcode

Mobile Remote Control Picture 21.22

Note: Please make sure the camera and router are in the same network segment.
Function Introduction

Note: Voice function will work only if the camera supports two-way audio function

Invert image: Click menu button ->Configure image->enable mirro flip button

Playback : Click menu button ->Remote playback

Download recorded video files :Click menu button-> Download

Device Upgrade : Click menu button->About->Equipment Update



If the problems are not listed, please contact the local service or call the HQ service. We are

willing to offer the service.

1. How to adjust the image color of IPC?

<1>: Web access: Click<Other settings> on the bottom right. Select the image color and modify

the parameters.

<2>:DVR access: Right click on the image. Select the image color. and modify the parameters.

Note: The parameters include brightness. contrast, saturation, hue, gain, sharpness horizontal

and vertical sharpness.

2. Why the image color of the IPC is red?

<1>: IRCUT is set opposite. IE/CMS login->Device config->IPC parameters->IRCUT. Tick it.

<2>:Upgrade to the newest version.

3. When preview on IPC. We can see some icons such as time. Channel name. Can these

icons be swap positions? Or be hidden?

Click<Device config>-<System setup>-<Output mode>.If tick the time title and channel title.

The icons will be shown. If no tick. The icons will not be shown. There is a setting button beside

the time title and channel title on the bottom. User can click it to set time title and channel title.

Also can drag it to modify the position.

4. Our IPC connected to other brand NVR. The audio is so noisy?

Out IPC audio code is G.711A. Please modify the NVR audio code to G.711A too. If it is other

format. There will be noisy or no sound.

5. How to connect the JOOAN camera to smart phone?

To remote view on smart phone. Please go to Apple store or Android market to download the

XMeye app. Open xmeye. Click<+> on the top right. Input a any device name. Scan the Serial

QR code.(please right click on the NVR. Click <guide>-<next>-<next>.The third QR code is

serial QR code.) Input user name and password. The default user is admin, the default password

is blank, no need to input anything in it. That is OK.

6. After connect the camera to smart phone. How to achieve multi-screen connection?

The default connection is the first image. After the first image shown, Click on another grid.

Then click the channel on the bottom. It will return to the device list. Select the devices. Click

Channel connection. That is OK.

7. How to search for JOOAN Camera ‘s serial number?

<1> Input the camera’s IP address in browser to access.

<2> Click <Settings>-<Info>-<Version>. The serial number and connect status are shown on the


8. Using IP search tool or centre management software .Can’t search for IP Camera?

The default IP is or (see the manual). If user didn’t modify the default

IP. Firstly modify the computer IP ,Make sure computer IP and camera IP are in the same

network segment. For example Ping the camera. If request time out. Check if the

network cable or router connect well. If the network connection is normal. Then check if the

network device forbid icmp Bag. If don’t remember the modified IP. User can use the IP Search

tool in CMS software to search.

9. Web can’t login

The active X was forbidden in Windows XP SP2. When you install the web active. There will

pop up a dialog box of stopping installing active. Then you need to set to the IE browser.

Open<Internet> option in IE browser. Click<Customized>.Enable “Not marked as safe ActiveX

controls Initialize and script” and “Download unsigned ActiveX controls”. Saved .reopen the IE browser. If installed

control block or fire wall. Please closed these software. Login again.

The camera only support IE browser .Please do not use non-IE browser.

If the computer is WINVISTA system. Please close the user account control.( double click to

enter user account-closed user account control).Then reboot the computer. That is OK.

After install the active control. Input user name and password to login. There is a prompt says”

The user has login”. Please modify another account to login.

10. After login on IE. Can’t see the interface or the interface is a mess?

If you use IE 8. Please uninstall it. Install IE 6 or IE 7 or upgrade the active.

11. After login IE browser. The IE browser close automatically

IE modified by malicious code or trojans, viruses, please antivirus, or use Trojan killing tool


12. In the case of IE web access. Go to settings –encode settings. The resolution is grey . Can’t

modify the resolution.

The current IE active is newer than the old IE active. User can delete the active. Then login.

Find the file in C disk and delete the file.


13. The image is frozen ,pause. Not smooth

If the resolution you select is uxga or higher. The max frame you select is 7-20 fps. If play 7

frames in 1 second. It is normal the image is frozen. To make the video more fluent. Please

lower the resolution. And set the frame to 25 fps.

If set a fixed code stream. Please set a high code stream. Or set to VBR. in network setting-

>Network transmission QOS. Select smooth screen priority.

Network problem: Firstly ping the IP camera. See if it lose the bag. If it does. Please if check

the network cable and router work well. Insufficient network bandwidth or congestion will

cause the screen to pause.

14. The image has mosaic

If the resolution and frame rate is set too high, the allowed stream is set too low, or network

bandwidth is insufficient, will cause the image to have the mosaic, if desired screen smooth but

allows some low picture quality, you can reduce some of the resolution, the frame rate increase,

while the stream up a bit, if you

need clear picture, do not need fluency. increase the resolution , reduce the frame rate.

15. When preview on IE browser. Image color partial white, black and white contrast very


Go to image settings to set the image’s brightness. contrast and saturation, Chroma.

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