AVTECH Network Setup Guide
EaZy Network QR-Code Scanning
EaZy Networking is a free P2P cloud service to connect AVTECH devices to the Internet automatically by plug-and-play, enabling you to check the live view via your mobile device at any time. This service is enclosed in the mobile app, EagleEyes, and you can easily configure your device to the internet on your smart phone / tablet.
This service is free and the transmission speed of your video might be affected by the number of online users who are using this service simultaneously. To obtain stable transmission, it’s recommended to purchase our data plan of 1GB, 7GB, 50GB and 200GB via EagleEyes. Each device will enclose a 2GB data plan for a free trial.
Plug & Play
Easily complete the network configuration with Cloud EaZy Networking Cloud EaZy Networking is developed for AVTECH products (DVR / DVR / IP cameras) to simplify network configurations by following steps below:
1. Connect RJ45 cable to a router hooking up
with Internet
2. Download the AVTECH mobile app, EagleEyes,
and install
3. Register an account for EagleEyes Cloud
Services on EagleEyes
4. Scan the barcode (on the monitoring display or
on the device itself depending on the device
you have)
Note: You could manually key in the MAC address
of the device in case barcode scan fails.
In this video we will demonstrate on how to Setup Network with the EaZy Network option in AVTECH Brand CCTV Systems which you can simply scan the QR-Code to get access to view online your DVR, NVR or IP Camera. Mobile View Eagleeyes AVTECH Camera. AVTECH also give a FREE DDNS which you can use for their Products. You can view on How to setup the Free DDNS Here https://www.shaktech.info/2021/06/port-forwarding-cctv-dvr.html