

Download Vehicle DVR Software

Download Vehicle DVR Software - HDVR004

Download Vehicle DVR Software

How to use Vehicle DVR HDVR004:

1. Download and install VLC player

The HDVR need to use VLC for live viewing and playback. Please download the latest version of VLC in http://www.videolan.org or you can download version 2.1.1 in 

2. Connect the DVR via network

To connect the DVR via network, you can use WIFI or network cable to do it.

1) Connect the DVR via WIFI: 

If you use notebook with WIFI, you can scan and find an AP with name of "HDVR_****", just connect it. 

Please set your notebook to use dynamic address, the AP will assign a new IP address for your notebook.

2) Connect the DVR via network cable

you can use a network cable connect to the DVR directly, you should use dynamic IP address too.

3) Use a web browser to access DVR for live view or setting

Pleas enter "hdvr.cfg" or "" on IE browser, you will view 4 images in quad mode.

a: For live view page, please click the button Cam1, Cam2, Cam3 and Cam4 for each camera's HD image (720p).

b: If you want to do some setting, please change the page to setting.

4) Use Samba file sharing to access files recorded:

On IE, please enter "\\hdvr.cfg" or "\\", you can view the recorded file. The record file can be played in VLC player.

Download Vehicle DVR Software

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